How to Start Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners?

How to Start Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners

Are you interested in beginning your practice of Ashtanga yoga? If so, you’re in luck! Ashtanga yoga for beginners is a great way to start your journey into the world of yoga.

Ashtanga yoga is an ancient form of yoga that follows a specific series of poses and is best for those looking for a challenging physical workout. It’s a great way to increase your strength, balance, and flexibility.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to get started with Ashtanga yoga for beginners, so you can begin to reap the benefits of this powerful form of yoga.

Choose your mat

When starting Ashtanga yoga for beginners, the first step is to choose the right mat for you. An Ashtanga yoga mat is designed to give you the extra cushion and grip you need to practice your postures.

It should also be thick enough to protect your joints, but not too thick that it gets in the way of the proper alignment of your poses. When looking for an Ashtanga yoga mat, make sure you consider both quality and price.

There are a variety of options on the market, ranging from basic mats to more luxurious and expensive ones. Ultimately, it’s important to select a mat that works best for your practice. Once you’ve chosen your mat, take the time to become familiar with it before beginning your practice.

Unroll it, move around on it, and get used to the feel of the material. This will help ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable Ashtanga yoga experience.

Set up your space

In my article,(How to Start Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners) I will discuss how to set your space for yoga. Your environment should be as comfortable as possible so you can practice in peace. You want an area that is free of clutter and other distractions so you can focus on the practice.

You don’t need much to practice – just a mat and some room to move around. Place your mat in a spot where it won’t be disturbed and make sure there are no sharp objects nearby. It is also important to ensure there is enough air circulation in the room and some natural light if possible.

If you practice outside, it’s best to find a spot with plenty of shade and away from any sources of pollution or excessive noise. Additionally, it is important to wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely and stay cool.

Finally, you should always warm up before starting any practice so you don’t injure yourself. Find a few easy stretches and movements that you can do to get your muscles ready and focus on your breath throughout the process.

Warm up your body

For beginners starting Ashtanga yoga, it is important, to begin with, a warm-up. This helps to prepare your body for the poses and movements that you will be doing throughout the practice. The warm-up should involve dynamic movements such as light stretching, neck circles, and arm swings.

You can also incorporate some gentle twists and gentle squats to further warm up your body. Doing this warm-up routine helps to reduce any risk of injury and will prepare you for the more intense poses that come with Ashtanga yoga.

It is important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard while doing the warm-up. Take your time and don’t forget to breathe!

Start with the basics

If you’re new to Ashtanga yoga, it’s important to start with the basics. Make sure you have a yoga mat and set up your space in a comfortable area so that you can practice without distraction. Begin with a few simple stretches and warm-up exercises to prepare your body for the poses.

Some of the beginner poses to practice include downward facing dog, warrior 1, seated twist, tree pose, and chair pose. Try to focus on your breath during each pose and pay attention to how your body is responding. This will help you gain strength and flexibility in your body.

For a more comprehensive yoga practice, add some core poses like boat pose, plank, and half-moon into your routine. These poses will help you strengthen your core and challenge yourself even further.

It’s important not to push yourself too hard when practicing yoga for beginners. Make sure that you take breaks as needed and don’t overdo it. After you complete your practice, spend a few moments cooling down and relaxing your body. This will help you reap the full benefits of your yoga practice.

Don’t forget to cool down

Cooling down is an important part of any yoga for beginners’ practice. After working hard during your Ashtanga yoga session, it’s important to slow down and relax your body. This can help prevent any soreness or discomfort after more intense practice.

Start with some simple seated poses like Child’s Pose or Seated Forward Fold. Make sure to take deep breaths and hold each pose for up to one minute. This will allow your body to relax and get ready for the day ahead.

Then, move into a restorative pose such as Savasana (corpse pose) or Viparita Karani (legs up the wall pose). Spend at least 10 minutes in a restorative pose to give your body time to rest and recharge. Finally, complete your practice by setting an intention for the day ahead.

This could be something as simple as reminding yourself to be kind and generous, or something more specific like committing to make healthy eating choices throughout the day. This is a great way to end your practice on a positive note and set yourself up for success!

Focus on the Breath, Not the Pose

In my article, (How to Start Ashtanga Yoga for Beginners) I will discuss how to focus on the breath, not the pose. Breath is a very important part of yoga practice and it’s essential that we get it right.

To help with this, you can use a specific type of breathing technique known as Ujjayi Pranayama, or “victorious breath.” This technique involves focusing your attention on your breath while using your throat to make a “hissing” sound.

This helps keep your body relaxed while practicing yoga and allows you to focus more deeply on your poses.

Feel Your Body

As an Ashtanga yoga beginner, it’s important to learn how to be mindful of your body and its movements. Taking the time to tune in to your body can help you get the most out of your practice. Feel how your body is positioned in each pose, checking in with yourself during each transition.

Notice if any particular area of your body feels tight or sore, and take that as an opportunity to focus on the breath and use it to create space in those areas. Focus on bringing attention to the sensations that arise while you practice, paying attention to how your body is feeling and responding to each pose.

Remember that Yoga is not about mastering each posture, it’s about creating a mindful connection with your body, allowing it to move and breathe freely. As you continue your journey with Ashtanga Yoga, make sure to take the time to explore and appreciate your body’s capability.

Learning to observe yourself can open up a world of new possibilities and insights into your practice. Tune into the present moment and allow yourself to find peace within.

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Presented By

Hasnat Khan 

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